Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Closing on: Apr 6, 2025

Project: National Incubation Center Peshawar

Qualification: Bba (Hons)/ Mba/ Social Sciences/ Economics or equivalent

Experience: 3 years in relevant department/industry  


Job Description:

  • Develop and implement various standard monitoring protocols for the program rollout and implementation.
  • Coordinate the delivery of milestones and deliverables to IGNITE, ensuring timely and valid reports.
  • Provide consultation and input in synthesizing a process for utilizing baseline information in documentation.
  • Ensure all project reports are produced on time with high quality.
  • Provide input into the progress of Incubates.
  • Coordinate the regular review of progress towards achieving Program Objectives/Development Objectives by Management through various review processes.
  • Assist in reviewing the tracking investment phase and making improvements to monitoring and evaluation.
  • Seek ways to streamline the process and increase efficiency in gathering and using performance information.
  • Coordinate the process for updating policy and procedure documents in the areas of monitoring and evaluation to align with the most current policies and requirements.
  • Work as a Point of Contact for Evaluation in the Project, providing guidance on issues related to monitoring and evaluation.
  • Assist and report to Director Incubation on matters related to monitoring and evaluation.


Required Skills:

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Report writing skills    
  • Attention to details
  • Time management
  • Proficiency in using various ICT tools and software for data management and analysis


Job Location: Peshawar

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