LMKT’s GIS Technology Helps Towards Achieving a TB-Free PakistanGIS

LMKT developed a comprehensive GIS platform and a smartphone app called TB Reach to facilitate in conducting a nationwide survey. The advanced solution provides healthcare experts and other stakeholders with intelligent analytics and information on the prevalence of the disease in Pakistan.
Individuals Surveyed
Identified TB Cases
Patients Admitted
Patients Treated
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health concern in Pakistan with approximately 420,000 new TB cases reported every year. The National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP) was launched by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination, Government of Pakistan in 1995. In 2001 NTP was mandated with the mission of a ‘TB free Pakistan’ through enhanced public sector support.
Being a high burden country for TB, the disease has significant socio-economic and healthcare ramifications on Pakistan. There is a pressing need to be able to effectively diagnose TB cases through effective planning and treatment. In light of this, NTP wanted to conduct a survey through the help of advanced GIS technology in four major cities of Pakistan including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Faisalabad to assess the spread of the disease and inhibit the prevalence of TB. Being a pioneer in GIS technology and having significant experience in projects of this nature, LMKT was selected as the desired technology partner.
LMKT designed a comprehensive survey matched with an enterprise scale GIS platform (web and mobile application) to measure TB transmission across four cities through assigned enumerators. A customized mobile application, TB Reach, was developed to facilitate field operators in uploading completed survey forms in real time to the main server. The web application enables health experts and other stakeholders to review information gathered on TB patients and generate detailed reports and analytics.
Effective data recording with mobile app using Urdu/English forms
TB Reach, allows enumerators to collect different kinds of information on identified TB carriers using forms in English and Urdu. The information contains the number of scanned cases along with suspected and confirmed TB patients. An offline database was created for the mobile application to store data when an active internet connection is unavailable. The TB Reach app can easily export city-wise data in CSV and Excel formats.
Improved accountability
The TB Reach app offers real-time monitoring and tracking to the NTP management allowing them to keep a check on field officers when they’re out on the field. This ensures efficiency and reliability of the data being collected. The underlying GIS technology provides location-based tracking and exact locations of the enumerators.
Access to accurate data
The application is designed in such a way that field operators can quickly and accurately enter information into the system. Base maps including parcel level information of relevant cities assists field operators to quickly identify the number of households within 50 m radius of any TB patient. With so many forms to complete, the application provides a quick and easy mechanism to switch between them.
Real-time statistical analysis, visualization and reporting on TB data
Real time synchronization between the mobile app and the back-office web application results in timely information for decision-making.
Expert field operators
All field operators were carefully scrutinized during the recruitment process and subsequently trained on the various steps of data collection through the mobile app.
Mobile applications along with the power of GIS technology have become game-changers in public healthcare.
Learn more about LMKT’s GIS offerings at: https://lmkt.com/services-all/gis-solutions/